Fossoway Supporting Our Church

Supporting Our Churches

Our churches need our support in so many different ways. God calls each of us to play their part whether that is through using our gifts, skills and experience to help in the running, management and maintenance of the church or in enriching our worship life together or whether it is helping to raise funds or giving our gifts of money.


When we give our money in the Church of Scotland some of it goes towards the cost of paying the minister, some to meeting the church’s upkeep, some to the wider work of the church at home and abroad and some to other charitable purposes.


There are several ways in which you can donate money to the church whichever way you choose it is helpful to give regularly.


You can give monthly by creating a direct debit or standing order with your Bank.


If you prefer you can give weekly.  We have some special little envelopes that you can use for this purpose.


You can also give in another way by Gift Aiding your original gift. When you do this we can claim back 25p from the government for every £1 that you give us. Remember though, you do have to be a UK taxpayer.

You can download a gift aid declaration form here as well as standing order..

Please send the S/O to your bank and the Gift Aid Declaration to your Church

You can also donate money to our church through the Church of Scotland website

if you click on this link:  Church of Scotland Website  (

it will take you to the Church of Scotland web page. At the top of the page near the search box you will find a red button with the word donate in it. Click on that button, it will take you further down the page where you will see there is a box that says: ‘Donate to a congregation’, if you click that box it will ask for the congregation, enter the congregation, then you can fill in the gift aid and hit the donate button.